27 agosto 2021

My first blog: Summer Vacation


Hi kids! Welcome to our blog!
Did you enjoy your summer vacation? I want you to tell me what you did during your summer vacation. Where did you go? If you stayed home, what did you do? And the most important questions, did you practice your English skills? How did you do it? What did you use English for?

Leave your comment and remember to write something to your classmates.

44 comentarios:

  1. Isabella:
    I have gone to my 2 gandmothers house and to the park
    Yes i practiced a little bit of english
    playing videogames

  2. hello teacher israel,yes i enjoy mi vacation,i go whit mi grands fathers,an play with my family,yes i practice english whit my mom we speek in inglis but i don´t use my english more lest

  3. yes I had a lot of fun. I went to New York and practiced English talking to the people who lived there.

  4. I studied a little bit of english because i downloaded a game

  5. Leonardo:
    Yes i did enjoy my summer vacation
    I went to Chihuahua, I saw my grandmother and grandfather
    I played with my cousins, Yes I did, I played videogames in english,
    Nothing, I just like english

  6. yes i enjoy alot
    I stay at home
    I went to a summer course
    Yes, I practiced speaking English in video games and listening to music in English.

  7. Diego:
    I go to guastepec
    I played with my family and friends and I help with my home
    Yeah a little in video games and books
    I use the english to understand the context, the sentences, and mi cousins

  8. Salma: yes, I enjoy my summer vacations :D i stay at home because of the coroavirus, in my house i play roblox with my cousin, play with my chickens and her's mini chicks lol, yes, i practice my English skills, how i play roblox and roblox is a US game i met people who spoke english i played with such a person and so i used my english skills to play xd, I use English to play games in English, for some day that I go to another country to be able to understand, for some day that I work xd, and that's it :>

  9. Emiliano Moncada: On this vacation I went to my grandparents' houseto see my uncle, aunt cousin grandparents and my dog, I learn English in movies, I used English to understand the movies

    1. never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you

  10. Yes, I enjoy my vacations. I stay at home with my family and I did pijama party with my cousins.I practice English watching movies with subtitles.I use the English when I play roblox because its a online game that is in many countries where they speak different languages, including English.

  11. Renata: 1. Yes, I enjoy my vacations 2. I went to some restaurants and some stores 3. I watched movies with my family, we played board games, I played for a few days with a friend and learned how to make desserts. 4. Yes 5. Watching movies 6. to be able to speak better

  12. luis:Did you enjoy your summer vacation? yes.I want you to tell me what you did during your summer vacation.Well, I went with my grandparents, I rode a bike with my dad, it was my birthday, I fell off the bike and my leg bled for about 5 minutes, they gave me alcohol and it hurt a lot and I played with my friends and it was also my sister's birthday. My sister Jaz also came and later my dad bought me a skin from a game and after that I just waited for classes to start xd Where did you go? yes I went with my grandparents If you stayed home, no what did you do? i played with my friends did you practice your English no

  13. We went to visit my family in Ixmiquílpa I had a lot of fun I played video games :)

  14. Santiago yes in this summer vacations i went to ticuman to see my grndmother an my grandfather mi cuosins come to mexico and y practice inglish with my sister


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